Blamestorming: group debate about why something failed
Bozocentrism: humanility when it does not lead to tragic results
Bricollage: an assemblage of unexpected parts and pieces
Defenestration Point: that moment of utter despair on which one feels like throwing a technode out the window
Disinstruction: instructions that make it impossible to put something together
Drownloading: overwhelming information from too much time on the Web
Emailstrom: the common blizzard of emails
Emergence: new systems emerging from the old ones
Evilution: the constantly changing and adapting face of evil in the Gizmos
Frag & Frac: interactive structures as both fragmented (in need of coherence) and fractal (complex)
Futurecasting: the vain attempt to predict what the world will look like the day after tomorrow
Gizmos: the co-evolving system of humans and machines
Golemic: the feeling of helplessness when we try – and inevitably fail – to impose our will on machines
Humanility: the understanding that we are not the center of the universe
Irritainment: pervasively annoying, yet still vaguely amusing, media
Lineasts: people who work sequentially, one thing at a time and prefer linear modes of information
Lipshitzean: the necessary attitude that technology is good and bad at the same time
Menchine: the techuman animal who has not forgotten how to be human
Misguidance: the inability to explain technical things clearly
MOIO Factor: the idea that machines can think for themselves, rarely to our benefit
Mouse Potato: online generation’s version of a couch potato, a digital oaf
Nanostalgia: nostalgia for things that happened a few media moments ago
Neoluds: modern Luddites who are opposed to technology not on political grounds but because of unfamiliarity
Ohnosecond: the irreversible instant in which you realize that you screwed up
Optophiles: people who like choices, pathways through which they can navigate on their own terms
Parabox: any piece of technology that does not work and therefore accomplishes the opposite of what it was meant to do
Perfluxity: a persistent feeling of confusion and disorientation resulting from constant changes in the Gizmos
Practology: the design of things that actually work according to human needs
Principle of Underlap: the co-existence of opposing technologies beyond the point of practicality
Principle of ReVision: the fact that everything is constantly being revised and remade
Profusia: paralysis of decision due to too many choices
Rule of Higgeldy-Piggeldy: the understanding that because we are not in control, futurecasting is doomed to fail
Rule of Uncertain Displacement: inability to predict which technologies will replace other ones and which will last
Synergence: the coming together of previously unmixed systems to unexpected effect
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